I will build PRAVILO MOBILO directly at your place, whether indoors or outdoors, and provide professional assistance in its use. I participate in various events such as outdoor sports and social events, yoga and fitness happenings, corporate or private gatherings. I get very good feedback from people who have experienced it and come back to me often.
Pravilo is for everyone
Events and companies
Pravilo is a great tool to "stretch" your colleagues and friends. Almost everyone can practice on it and besides the beneficial effects, it will put a smile on your face. Moreover, it will attract the attention of all eyes.
Physiotherapists, fitness centres and masseurs
For professionals in the field of physiotherapy, modern fitness and massage therapy, PRAVILO MOBILO is the ideal way to relax and at the same time firm the whole body of its clients from ankles to toes.
Proffesional athletes
For every athlete is extremely important to keep their body relaxed and adequately strengthened. Pravilo allows you to exercise and stretch important muscles and tendons every day in the comfort of your own home.
Active individuals
PRAVILO MOBILO is not exclusively for professionals. It can also be used by individuals who care about their wellbeing and are looking for a multifunctional tool for exercise or relaxation.
Šajdíkove Humence, the first owner of PRAVILO MOBILO, trainee of recreational sports and rehabilitation exercises
Today I fought against the mental discomfort that arose from misunderstandings over the last few days and I was getting exhausted. My wife stretched me on pravilo, and after about an hour and a half of stretching, several days of actual discomfort disappeared. What can help in such a situation when I can't stand my own stupidity and stop it? I already know - Pravilo 😉🙏 I'm writing what really happened today. Thank you and best regards.
Nové Zámky, a regular PRAVILO MOBILO practitioner, Watsu therapist
The experience of pravilo is one of those that is hard to describe in words, it has to be tried, experienced. I had noticed pravilo a long time before until I finally tried it. And I was very surprised. At first glance it looks like it works with the body on a physical level. I said to myself, "I'm going to stretch, I'm going to wriggle..." But the breadth and depth of this experience is much, much more. Through breath, presence and mindfulness in my body, beautiful moments of connecting with myself happen. For me, it's an almost therapeutic experience that always reverberates through me for some time after using pravilo.
Ostrov (Piešt'any), PRAVILO MOBILO owner, masseur
I'm glad I don't need any tools when assembling pravilo and it can be done in half an hour. I chose the lighter version with aluminium clutches. Two people are able to carry the whole pravilo and move it where you need. It's great. The suspension system is also easy to clamp according to the instructions. It needs some practice - I mastered it after the training, although it took me a bit longer at the beginning. It took me about half an hour without help. I'm also happy with the approach of the manufacturer Robko, so for me it's a 1*.
Bardejov, umelec
Pravilo - to je skutočný zážitok. Do takejto polohy sa dostanem len na Pravile a jedine tam si dokážem uvoľniť celé telo tak ako nikde inde. Naši predkovia vedeli čo robia. Určite odporúčam aspoň raz v živote vyskúšať, nech poznáte ten špeciálny pocit, ktorý ponúka práve Pravilo.